About Us

 The LWVUCF is dedicated to educating students about civic engagement, public service and voter responsibilities. The following are goals of the organization:

  • Partner with local community and civic engagement agencies and organizations in providing non-partisan voter education through speakers, forums, workshops and campus engagement.
  • Provide opportunities for students to register to vote and learn about updated voting laws and procedures
  • Engage in civil discourse to develop and implement solutions to community and social issues.
  • Provide community service and philanthropy opportunities 

Our Priorities

Our priorities each semester will include Voting Rights, Voter Education, Policies Important to Students, and the Environment.

Voting Rights

Our number one priority is always Voting Rights. We will always work to defend democracy and empower voters.

Voter Education

We believe educating our voters on upcoming local, state, and federal elections will help result in higher student voter turnout.

Important Policies

Having students learn advocate for policies that are directed towards their futures is important to our organization. These can range from gun violence prevention, to DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) laws, to housing and rent control.


We always want to address the absolute reality of climate change. The planet is our future and without the environment, we have nothing. Advocating for a more sustainable society is a role we will happily take on. There is no Planet B!

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